Affirmation Cards

National Laundry Dry

I started a group which meets on the 4th Sunday of each month at my church. After the service is over, we meet to discuss the 3 Rs. What are…
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National Dictionary Day

A day for lexicographers everywhere, Dictionary Day was founded to celebrate the achievements and contributions of Noah Webster (on his birthday) – the father of the modern dictionary. 1806 is…
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National Forgiveness Day

Is today.  A day to encourages us to develop realistic methods for incorporating forgiveness in our lives. This is because forgiveness is a powerful tool on a journey of mental,…
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National Punctuation Day

Something as a writer I need to pay attention to. Have you noticed less and less concern for proper punctuation? Texting is where I notice a change in spelling and…
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National Brave Day

On the fourth Friday in September, National BRAVE Day honors women who lift each other up, rescue each other and make each other BRAVE. Here is a chapter with a…
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First Day of Fall

September 22 is first day of fall—the autumnal equinox. The autumnal equinox is an astronomical event that marks the start of autumn (or “fall”). In the Northern Hemisphere, the autumnal…
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International Peace Day

I am…peaceful How about that message? Focus on being filled with peace and radiating peace to everyone you meet. International Day of Peace as established by the United Nations. This…
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National Read a Book Day

National Read a Book Day To celebrate this day I got excited to be able to say I recently started reading a newly published book by my friend Frank Nissen.…
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National Book Lovers Day

I am…a book lover. Book Lovers Day encourages you to find a place in the shade to relax with a good book. Book reading is a great hobby. It’s an…
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Relax and Color

Today is National Coloring Book Day. I just discovered this day on Sunday. So interesting, as I have been creating my first adult coloring book. It is based on my…
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Merry Christmas

I just finished working on editor suggestions for another page. This one on the word “receiving”.  I felt that would be a perfect topic for posting today. Feedback appreciated. Looking…
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Here is another chapter for my draft copy of next book. Feedback welcome. Define: To be content is to be in a state of peaceful happiness. Satisfied. Question: What does…
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Here is another chapter from the new unpublished book. Feedback welcome. Define Athletic is someone who is active and vigorous. Ask How athletic are you? Reflection: I learned about Pickle…
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Here is another page from draft of my next book. Feedback, please Define: Calm is a peaceful mental or emotional state. Ask: How do you remain calm? Or how do…
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I am going to be sharing chapters from the new book I writing. I would love feedback. Each chapter is one of the words in my set of “I am”…
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